Congratulations to the Hedland Senior High School Country Week squad for 2024. Students will depart on Saturday for the week long competition, representing HSHS in Touch Rugby, Girls Volleyball, Boys Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Netball, Dance and Speech & Debating.
Students have put in a mountain of work to make it this far, from when the process began at the start of Term One, including committing to positive engagement across classes, a high level of attendance, and weekly training sessions.
Year 12 students, Meg Davis and Kurtis Jackson, were announced as Hedland Senior High School’s Country Week Captains. Meg and Kurtis have both shown outstanding leadership qualities, and they will guide our school with pride and honour.
We are also pleased to officially announce our 2024 House Captains who received their badges today at our celebration assembly.
Ashburton – Nat Cornelius and Sienna Bennett
Fortescue – Kami Farid and Isabella McDermott
De Grey – Kurtis Jackson and Maddi Fletcher
Sherlock – Taya Sawtell and Bailey Shinners
These students have already commenced working behind the scenes to put some exciting things in place for next semester particularly leading up to our house athletics carnival.
Good luck to everyone!! 👏