GEL – Grow, Empower, Learn

Hedland Senior High School is incredibly excited to announce the introduction of Grow Empower Learn (GEL) classes for all students in 2024.

These classes take place for twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for four days a week, with the fifth day providing an opportunity for year level assemblies.

The purpose of GEL is to provide wraparound support for students by fostering a high-quality professional relationship for every student with their GEL teacher. Their GEL teacher will support with academic engagement and achievement, along with support around behaviour, attendance and wellbeing.

Students will be supported to build social competence, autonomy and resilience, and form and develop a strong sense of connection and belonging within their GEL groups, where they will be valued and acknowledged for their contribution to our school community.

Each GEL group has been allocated to a house (faction), providing a great opportunity to build house pride across the school and earn points towards the yearly house competition.

For further information around GEL in 2024, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the relevant Student Support Leader.


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