Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

The Hedland Senior High School Health and Physical Education (HPE) Learning Area offers a range of courses (compulsory and electives) for our students on top of a range of extracurricular activities detailed below.

Our aim is to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills that will enable our students to make decisions that lead to a healthier lifestyle. Providing a range of practical opportunities for students to develop these skills and attitudes is vital to achieving success.

In Health and Physical Education classes, students have their level of development assessed in the following outcomes:

  • The performance of movement skills and strategies needed for successful participation in a variety of sports.
  • Health knowledge and understanding and how it applies to the community.
  • The demonstration of self-motivation skills.
  • The development of interpersonal skills.
Year 7-10 CoursesYear 9 & 10 ElectivesYear 11 & 12 Courses
Physical EducationPersonal FitnessGeneral Physical Education Studies
Health EducationPhysical Recreation – Accuracy & RacquetGeneral Health Studies
Sports ScienceGeneral Outdoor Education
Outdoor EducationATAR Health Studies


Our programs are run in extremely advanced sporting educational facilities comprising of a:

  • State-of-the-art Sports Centre with multi-use courts and four designated HPE classrooms (Opened in 2023)
  • Gym
  • Fitness Studio (Opened in 2024)
  • 25m Swimming Pool
  • Outdoor Netball, Basketball and Tennis Courts
  • Oval
  • Cricket Training Nets

Extra-Curricular Events

The Health and Physical Education Learning Area offers a broad range of events for students to proudly represent their school and community, including:

  • Country Week Carnival
  • Swimming Carnivals (School-Based and Pilbara Zone)
  • Athletics Carnivals (School-Based and Pilbara Zone)
  • Cross Country Carnival
  • Lightning Carnivals