Our People

Our People

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Mike Ciccotosto Principalmichael.Ciccotosto@education.wa.edu.au
Garrett Kett Deputy Principalgarrett.kett@education.wa.edu.au
Tim CollierDeputy Principaltimothy.collier@education.wa.edu.au
Laura FrancisDeputy Principallaura.francis@education.wa.edu.au
Tegan WalkerDeputy Principaltegan.walker@education.wa.edu.au
Nadine YoungmanManager School Operationsnadine.youngman@education.wa.edu.au
Karen BallantyneManager Corporate Serviceskaren.ballantyne@education.wa.edu.au

Heads of Learning Areas

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Renee CuthbertsonHead of the Artsrenee.cuthbertson@education.wa.edu.au
Emily AddisHead of Englishemily.addis@education.wa.edu.au
Lisa FelgateHead of HASS – Humanities & Social Scienceslisa.felgate@education.wa.edu.au
Jesse KnappHead of Health & Physical Educationjesse.lowe@education.wa.edu.au
Kim MaceHead of STEM & ICT kim.mace@education.wa.edu.au
Sara FinnHead of Sciencesara.zadnik@education.wa.edu.au
Toby Bryson Head of Technologiestoby.bryson@education.wa.edu.au
Samantha Engelbrecht Head of Mathematicssamantha.engelbrecht@education.wa.edu.au

Student Support

Student Support Managers

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Mary-Jane CrutchleyStudent Support Managermary-jane.crutchley@education.wa.edu.au
Alice ColbeckStudent Support Manageralice.colbeck@education.wa.edu.au

Learning Support Coordinator

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Jennifer PritchardLearning Support Coordinatorjennifer.pritchard@education.wa.edu.au

Community Health Nurse

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Fabienne De ValenceCommunity Health Nursehedland.shs.nurse@education.wa.edu.au

T: 9158 1942

T: Hedland Health campus (08) 91741305 

Headspace – Thursday afternoons from 2:30pm- 4pm.

Focus of school health services:

  • early detection of physical and psychosocial health and development issues, in the primary school context
  • primary health care, health counselling for adolescents and support for children with complex or chronic health needs, in the secondary school context
  • supporting social, emotional and physical health needs for students in education support settings and with disability

Current health priorities for children and young people include:

  • healthy child and adolescent development
  • overweight and obesity
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • communicable disease (including COVID-19)

Our Community Health Nurse’s core business is:

  •  Adolescence brief intervention for health concerns to provide assessment, education, clinical response within my scope of practice, referrals to WACHS specialists, external agencies and follow up.
  • This also includes sexual health screening, testing and discretionary treatments. Enhanced sexual health; pregnancy testing, supporting with contraception avenues, condoms, unplanned pregnancy.
  • Students with RHD (Rhematic Heart Disease) for their monthly Bicillin injections.

Limitations for confidential services:

  •  Where possible if deemed appropriate our CHN will contact parent/ carers to discuss their child’s health or concerns.
  • Students will not be immunised without parental permission.
  • As our CHN works for WA Health, clinical notes are for access to other health clinicians and not Department of Education staff.
  • Please note:  Under common law, young people under the age of 18 who are determined to be ‘Gillick competent’ (By a health professional in accordance with Fraser guidelines) or a ‘mature minor’ can consent to their own medical assessment and treatment. This for the most part will be in relation to sexual health intervention (this is usually for 13/14yrs +)
  • The Department has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) and WA Country Health Service (WACHS).

School Psychologists

The School Psychologist’s role within the school is to work with staff, parents and students to assist students in achieving to their potential.

Teachers or parents with school-related concerns regarding a student please contact Student Support to discuss referral to the service and/or participate in a collaborative planning meeting to address any concerns.

Our school Psychologists are:

Samantha GillamYears 7, 9 & 11
Grace ArriganYears 8, 10 & 12

School Counsellor

Our School counsellors works closely with students and provides support with their social, academic and emotional wellbeing. They work in a confidential setting with students to help them achieve their goals and work alongside them to improve their learning environments. Students wishing to seek support in problem-solving issues may access the school Counsellor directly by making an appointment. Teachers or parents with school-related concerns regarding a student please contact Student Support.

Sarah MaeaSchool Counsellor

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Supports

Staff MemberRoleEmail
Rowena BurnhamAIEO – Success Programrowena.burnham@education.wa.edu.au
Dianne DalgetyAIEO – HASSLdianne.dalgety@education.wa.edu.au
Michelle DawsonAIEO – Success Programmichelle.dawson2@education.wa.edu.au
Robyn GlassonAIEO – Curriculum Extensionrobyn.glasson2@education.wa.edu.au
Danielle LockyerAIEO – Student Supportdanielle.lockyer@education.wa.edu.au
Joseph Guligo-StephenAIEO – Englishjoseph.guligo-stephen@education.wa.edu.au
Nina StewartAIEO – Curriculum Supportselina.stewart@education.wa.edu.au

Click here to view our AIEO’s

School Programs


Staff MemberTitle Email
Jordyn HogdenOperations Officer – Year 12jordyn.hogden@guest.education.wa.edu.au
Joel AveryOperations Officer – Year 10dylan.ross@guest.education.wa.edu.au
Junior WilliamsOperations Officer – Year 9junior.williams@guest.education.wa.edu.au
Andrew DupenOperations Officer – Year 8andrew.dupen@education.wa.edu.au
Wes TullockOperations Officer – Year 7wesley.tullock@guest.education.wa.edu.au

Big Picture Learning

Staff MemberTitleEmail
Hayley ArentzBPL Coordinatorhaley.arentz@education.wa.edu.au

Follow the Dream

Jessica AlbersFollow the Dream CoordinatorJessica.Albers@education.wa.edu.au

Shooting Stars

Ellen SeelanderShooting Stars Activity Providerellen.seelander@guest.education.wa.edu.au

Rise Up Program

Jody WarbrickRise Up Coordinatorjody.warbrick@education.wa.edu.au

Specialist Arts Program (SAP)

Kate SaundersSpecialist Arts Coordinatorkathryn.saunders@education.wa.edu.au

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Teneal RussellVET Coordinatorteneal.russell@education.wa.edu.au