Big Picture Learning

Big Picture Learning

Hedland Senior High School has introduced Big Picture Learning with advisory groups in Year 8 and 9, and are looking forward to the continuous growth of the program throughout the years to come.

The BPL philosophy is ‘one student at a time in a community of learners’ and focuses on students being at the centre of their own education by putting their passions at the core of their learning. We work with students to discover their own interests and help them to follow these by linking them to real-world mentors and learning through projects, including inquiry in and out of school. Students are prepared for opportunities beyond school with an emphasis on relevance and real-world learning.

BPL students combine academic work with real-world internships, exploring their world and planning their own pathways based on areas of interest. Learning is personalised and provides opportunities for all students to prepare them for life after school, including the possibility of university entry.

Interested in joining the program? 

For more information, please contact Hedland Senior High School’s Teacher in Charge, Haley Carine on (08) 9158 1900 or via email at

BPL Application Form