Student Leadership Team

Student Leadership Team

The purpose of the Student Leadership Team is to create a beautiful school environment for the students at Hedland Senior High School. It is our duty as the Student Leadership Team to organise important events such as R U OK week, Harmony Day, and Anzac Day. It is also our mission to create an enjoyable, safe, and caring school life for students and staff, such as creating fun and informative activities and events for students to attend.

Our Student Council Leaders include Ezekiel Uiduldam (School Captain), Sienna Bennett (School Captain), Maddison Fletcher, Matilda Thompson, Lenci Kiliswa, Crowley Jeptoo.

Year 10Brooklyn Bennett
Calyx Bin Rashid
Lanushka Snyman
Lareina Kiliswa
Lulu Hunter
Noku Mafuma
Sophie Tala’atu
Year 9Charlotte Anagnostopoulos
Chase Munro
Chase Wallace
Declan Pocock
Ebony Mason
Endurer Acheampong
Grace Thompson
Hudson Rodricks  
Jacob Woolley
Jerine Dissanayake
Jesse Asare
Joey Ruston
Liberty Poata
Maddy Bain
Rhianna Wright
Shaquille Brierly          
Zoe Southern
Year 8Charlotte Saleh
Haileigh Lockyer
Hayley Simmons.
Sophia Buchan
William Rusch
Year 7To be announced