Student Wellness

Student Wellness

Student Support

Our Student Support team provides support for the social, emotional, and educational wellbeing of all students.

The team consists of a Deputy Principal, Lower School and Senior School Support Managers, Student Support Leaders, School Psychologists, School Counsellors, AIEOS and School Officers.

Student Support Programs

Zones of Regulation – this is an empowering instructional tool to build safe, supportive environments that foster learning and well-being for all. In small groups, students increase their self-awareness and social and emotional skills. We use a common language across the school for communication, problem solving and emotional understanding which contributes to a healthier school climate.

Seasons for Growth – Seasons for Growth is an education program that builds the resilience and wellbeing of children who have recently experienced loss due to death, family separation or migration. Seasons for Growth aims to support young people to understand their feelings, help them develop skills for coping, restore self-confidence and educate them about the grief process.  

The Resilience Project – The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. At HSHS, TRP is delivered to our Year 9 and 10 students in their pastoral care learning time.

Te Ara Tika (The Right Path) – This is a new program aimed to increase the belonging and self-identity of students from Polynesian descent. Using Sir Mason Durie’s ‘Te Whare Tapa Whā’ model for wellbeing and Zones of Regulation, students learn in a small group setting the importance of wellbeing in a culturally appropriate context while building their skills in self-regulation.

EdConnect – Ed Connect is a mentoring program where elected students are linked with a community member who provides one on one support and guidance through visits to the school.

Breakfast Club – twice weekly breakfast is supplied for all students who require it.

Helpful Links


Kids Helpline


Helping Minds

Relationships Australia


BRAVE program

Bloodwood Tree Hedland

Important Contacts – Student Support

Mary-Jane Crutchley – Student Support Manager

Alice Colbeck – Student Support Manager

School Psychologists

Grace Arrigan – Year 8, 10 & 12

Samantha Gillam – Year 7, 9 & 11

School Counsellor

Sarah Maea