
Explore the Opportunities at Hedland Senior High

Families are welcome to book a tour at Hedland Senior High School. Tours comprise of information about our school, including Specialist Programs, curriculum opportunities, extra-curricular activities along with the opportunity to ask questions and walk through the school grounds.

How to Enrol

Thank you for your interest in a student enrolment at Hedland Senior High School.  We are an inclusive school that welcomes and embraces new students.  Together, in partnership with parents/carers, we make our students’ education a priority.

Families wanting to enrol their children at Hedland Senior High School can download an enrolment pack or contact the school directly for more information on (08) 9158 1900.

Please submit the completed enrolment pack to Hedland Senior High School’s administration office or email hedland.shs@education.wa.edu.au.

Upon receipt of the enrolment pack, an appointment will be made with the deputy principal that manages your child’s year group.  The enrolment appointment allows the opportunity to assess your child’s needs and any specialist programs that may be of interest.

Book a Tour

Families are welcome to book a tour at Hedland Senior High School. Tours comprise of information about our school, including Specialist Programs, curriculum opportunities, extra-curricular activities along with the opportunity to ask questions and walk through the school grounds.

If you’d like to book a tour, please contact the school at hedland.shs.correspondence@education.wa.edu.au