Finance for Parents

Finance for Parents

Financial Assistance

Voluntary Contributions and Charges 2025

Secondary Assistance Scheme
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to secondary students – compulsory and post compulsory – whose parents hold a Centrelink Family Health Care of Pensioner Concession

Card or Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Cards (blue card only). Eligible Concession Card holders are entitled to $235 Secondary Assistance and $115 Clothing Allowance. This can be used towards your Contributions and Charges, the purchase of school uniforms, or can be paid directly to your bank account to be used at your discretion for the above. Applications for this scheme are completed through the school. The closing date to apply is Friday 11 April 2025. Parents must apply in person to the school and have their concession card with them. Please bring following completed application form to have it witnessed at the school.

This grant is available to Aboriginal full-time students. To be eligible for this allowance the school or parent must have received the School Fee Allowance from Centrelink as part of the Student’s Abstudy School Fees Allowance. Applications and inquiries should be made direct to Centrelink. A copy of the Abstudy supplementary allowance application follows but must be witnessed at the school.

Payment Methods

Payment Options Available

EFTPOS: The school has EFTPOS facilities at reception.

Credit Card: Credit Card payments can be made either by phone or in person via the EFTPOS machine.

Cash or Cheque: For cheque payments please enter your child’s name, your name and phone number on the reverse side of cheque.

Bank Transfer: Payments can be made to the school via direct bank transfer.

BSB: 066-543

A/C Number: 10025636

Name: Hedland Senior High School

Reference: Student Name

Parents are reminded that full payment of all compulsory charges is due by the end of Term 1 2025, unless other payment methods have been arranged with the Manager Corporate Services. If you have any queries concerning any of these methods of payment please contact the Manager Corporate Services, Karen Ballantyne on Tel: (08) 9158 1900.

For further information regarding finances, please refer to our 2025 Contributions & Charges booklet.